Even if there is no antivirus application on your computer, in Windows 8 and 10 exists the Windows Defender service, that can stop the StaffCounter application.
To prevent it you need to do the following:
- Whitelist the Downloads folder in the Windows Defender service. Launch the Control panel, Update & Security, Windows Security. Find the virus protection and Exclusions. Add the Downloads folder to the list.
- Download the StaffCounter agent into the Downloads folder and unzip it into a new folder.
- Add the staffcounter_install.exe file to the list of exclusions of the Windows Security application.
- Run staffcounter_install.exe as administrator. (perform a right-click on it and select “Run as administrator”)
- After the installation, the working folder of the StaffCounter agent will automatically be added to the list of exclusions
- Add all EXE and DLL files from the Program files(x86)\Staffcounter\ folder to the list of exclusions of the Windows Security application.
- Now you can run the Staffconter agent as administrator.
Add an Exception
Before downloading the StaffCounter application you need to add two folders to the list of exclusions.
- Open the Avast Antivirus user interface and select
Menu ▸ Settings.
- Ensure the General tab is selected, then click Exceptions.
- Click the Add Exception button.
- Click Browse,
- tick the box next to the Program Files (x86) and the Downloads folders, then click OK.
After this download the StaffCounter application and install it on the computer.
Kaspersky Antivirus protects your computer from various threats such as viruses, spyware, ransomware, banners, and others. But program developers are not supposed to know all existing time tracking programs and add them to the exclusion list. Therefore, the users themselves need to add the StaffCounter program to the list of exclusions.
In this article, we will describe in detail the entire process of adding StaffCounter to the exception list of the Kaspersky Small Office Security 8.
To do this, open the Kaspersky and click the Settings button in the lower-left corner
Find the Additional section in its settings, and inside it – Threats and Exclusions.
Click Manage Exclusions
Click the Add, Browse button, and find the C:\Program files (x86)\ folder.
Check All components. Put the * into the Object field.
Do the same with the Downloads folder.
In the end, two folders will be white-listed
Don’t forget to click the Save button.
Now you can download the StaffCounter application for Windows onto the target computer and connect the application to your online account.