
StaffCounter setup

StaffCounter setup

    1. Register at with your e-mail address.
    2. You’ll receive an e-mail to confirm your registration. Open the e-mail and click on the link to confirm your registration.
    3. By default, every new user receives a Standard account for a trial period.
    4. In the Settings:
        • You can configure the StaffCounter agent to allow/disallow stop or resume monitoring;
        • Show/hide icon of StaffCounter agent;
        • What type of information do you need to collect;

    5. Specify the e-mail address where you want to receive Summary Reports (daily, weekly, monthly, or more than one of these).
    6. The option “Automatic alerts” allows StaffCounter to automatically determine violations in the workplace.

  1. Also, on the second tab, you can specify the time at which your business’s working day begins and ends.
  2. Now you can install StaffCounter Agent on the target computers and mobile phones.
  1. On the target computer or phone go to the Download page and download the corresponding application version.
  2. Install the StaffCounter Monitoring Agent application, and after installation, enter the e-mail address associated with your StaffCounter account in the program options.
    For assistance in installation on each platform, see:

Installation with “invite”.

If you need to add a large number of devices at a time, our toolkit Invite will help you.
To do this, go to Settings -> Invite another employee.

You need to enter the mail addresses of employees and their names. This can be done in two ways:

  • take turns entering data into the fields;
  • enter the list separated by commas.

If the names are not entered, the device name will automatically become the email address of the @ sign. After that you have two options:

  • just create devices in the Employee List;
  • create devices and send invitation letters. Their text can be immediately edited:

To further connect the StaffCounter agent, you need to take a few steps:

  • Download StaffCounter Agent;
  • Run the installer, click the More button (in the Windows agent) or “Connect by ID” (in the Linux agent) and enter your employee’s email address in the Device ID field (for Windows and Linux) or in the “Enter your email or device” field (for macOS).

After that, the system will automatically pick it up from the Employee List.

StaffCounter agents record all your activity on devices: the names of open windows, documents, projects, programs being run, and pages viewed in the browser. All this activity is grouped and analyzed by the server.

After using StaffCounter for several days, you should instruct it on how to determine the productivity of the applications and websites that your employees use.

Report by categories

Here you can see what categories of activity  users prefer

Reports by trend

Here you can see how productivity changes over time

Report by screenshots

Here you can see 8 last screenshots of any user for today

Summary report

Here you can see the summary report for a week, month, or year

Two-factor authentication allows you to control the Authentic fingerprint of your Browser when you log into your account. This can be used as a full-fledged alternative to Two-Factor Authentication since StaffCounter verifies two factors upon login: 1) your password and 2) your browser’s unique digital fingerprint. This feature also keeps a record of all Computers, smartphones, and other devices from which your StaffCounter account has ever been accessed. You can see this list under the My Profile – “Connected Devices” tab.

To enable Browser control – go to My Profile
and enable the “Disable new devices to access this account.”


Sharing dashboard access for Managers

To allow other company administrators or managers to see your departments, go to Settings – “Managers” tab.

Setting up shared Access :

  1. Everyone you want to grant access to must have a separate account at (of any type)
  2. In the Settings section, the “Managers” tab, in the “Give access” field:
    – select Department
    – enter Manager’s account email (registered at
    – Click “Send Invitation”
  3. The owner of this account must log in and accept the access invitation.

Granting access can allow changing settings for these departments.

For your convenience, StaffCounter offers the ability to divide programs and services into different categories, such as Office applications, Games, Communication, Business, Education, and News. For each category, you can determine whether it is productive for your business, neutral, or unproductive use of time. After this, you can associate any program or visited website with one of these categories.

To begin, open the Settings page and set the productivity value for each category.

On the page of the menu Reports → Reports by time, specify the category for each program or website.

On the Settings page, find the Applications tab.

  1. Choose a department;
  2. Choose the original category;
  3. Tick the apps and websites you need;
  4. Choose the target category;
  5. Click the Save changes button.