
Break Reports

Breaks Reports

You can see this report in your StaffCounter cloud service account at this link.

This report clearly shows the schedule of breaks and pauses throughout the working day for each employee. You can also immediately see the time of the beginning and end of the working day.

A very important addition is that the head of the enterprise can transfer the time of any break to the employee’s working time if he believes that during this break the employee executed work orders, but not at the computer.
For example, there was a meeting with a client, who drove the computer for repair, and there was a long telephone conversation with the supplier.

Statistics of breaks for one employee

What information can be obtained from this report:

– Employee Start Time:

– Employee End Time:

– Total employee breaks for the current day:

– List of all employee breaks during the working day:

If an employee has access to his report page, then on it, he can comment on all his pauses, and the manager can see his comments and has the opportunity to translate his pauses into working hours by clicking on the checkmark on the right opposite the desired break:

Breaks schedule

On the break schedule itself, you see all the brief information about the breaks of a particular employee.
When hovering over a break, information is available to you:

– Employee break start time
– Employee break end time
– Comment on the break

Also, green sticks marked the beginning and end of the working day.

The cross on the right temporarily turns off statistics on breaks for the selected employee and moves him down the table. This is done so that you can compare the breaks of two employees and the rest so that you do not interfere. After that, you can always enable inactive employee breaks.

We hope that these reports will help the manager to make the right decisions in the work of his company.